Revitalizing growth: leveraging data and design to drive acquisition

Senior Data Analyst, Apitchaya Rawara, and ASO Team Lead & Senior Mobile Consultant, James Ventris, led a workshop at the APS on standing out in an overloaded market.

With over 50 speakers and 500 attendees, the App Promotion Summit was a great day for discussing all things mobile marketing - from industry trends to big problems and solutions.

We’ve summarized the main talking points of Apitchaya and James’ workshop below, but you can also watch the full video for more details.

The challenge

Currently, operating as part of the maturing mobile market means competing in an overloaded sphere, with over 8.9 million smartphone apps available.

A market research report found that only 32% of users remain active after download, a significant decrease from the previous year’s figure of 38%.

The app market is highly competitive. So, the biggest challenge for our clients is standing out - a good product alone is no longer enough.

Making the data work

Data is used to power the entire Martech stack at CMA. A key industry problem at the moment is finding ways to drive acquisition and growth in a stagnating market. When it comes to app growth, the challenges most businesses face revolve around finding ways to drive acquisition and engagement.​

Our answer to tackling stagnation in the mobile market is to leverage data and design to optimize all aspects of the Martech stack. We don’t work in silos – we work fluidly and collaboratively to power customer acquisition and engagement.

The data we collect is used to drive the performance of user acquisition campaigns, by enabling our consultants to make predictive adjustments to things like spend and methodology.

This involves quantifying performance for an app using metrics like share of voice and keyword performance charts/visuals. With this, we can optimize the app’s performance on the app stores.

Optimizing creatives

Knowing what works is vital to creating the most effective design assets, and that is what data provides.

The process starts with creating a hypothesis and conducting market/competitor research. We also use our keyword performance metrics to inform creative decisions.

From there, new designs can be implemented and tested, then the whole thing is repeated. This way, you pull out successful iterations and run with those.

Case studies

This method has proven successful for our clients. For instance, aesthetic kit – a home and lock screen customization app – saw a 40% increase in the conversion rate after CMA optimized their New Year’s custom product page (CPP).

Another client, a US-based education app, also saw success. When we used our method to redesign their full set of screenshots (for the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store), they gained a 27% uplift in conversions.

Key design aspects

Elements that work well for these screenshots:

  • User interface pop-outs (a big mobile trend)

  • Illustrations and being playful

  • Bold backgrounds

  • Showing off all assets

  • A strong brand identity

In summary

Using data effectively to inform decision-making in all areas of the Martech stack encourages growth in a stagnating market.

Collaboration is the key to success. By leveraging real-time data, teams across the Martech stack can make an instant impact. Thus, the two working in tandem drives conversions and improves acquisition.

Want to work with industry experts? Drop us an email at or send us a message via our website.


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